“Some beautiful paths can’t be discovered without getting lost.”
  • Why I Need a Camera

    As someone who doesn’t like to stay long at an event, what I usually do is head home quickly. However, once I’m back, I often want to reflect on how the event went. This is easy when the event just happened, but what if it took place 10 years ago?

    That’s why I need a camera—because something good should never be forgotten.

  • First Writting

    First Writting

    One year after graduating from university, I found myself becoming lazier than before. I realized i needed to clear goals for myself. So, here is the result of one of those goals : Build a New Personal Website.

    This website is built using Next.Js for the front-end and Strapi as the content management tool. I used a template created by Dillion Verma, you can check out here ( It is an awesome template and suits my style.